'To continue Britain and Oman's historic friendship into the younger generations of both of our countries'
To achieve our mission and vision, the New Generation Group (NGG) holds a number of events throughout the year in both the UK and Oman.
With a huge range of topics from expeditions, art and culture to sport and commerce, we host events that bring young, dynamic Omani and British people together. The NGG board pursue an active programme of strategy talks, annual delegations and networking sessions.
In addition to our events, we encourage our members to make their own plans; from a coffee on the King's Road to a desert crossing of the Wahiba, NGG is the epicentre of the young Omani-British friendship.
The NGG Delegation was inaugurated in 2013 as a means of building bridges between high flyers in both our country’s public and private sectors. Members of the delegation are drawn from a wide spectrum of organisations and during meetings with Senior Advisors, Ministers, CEOs, Academics and Board Members, they are able to explore enhanced British Omani cooperation amongst our younger generations. Each year, the NGG team picks a topic that is timely and relevant to Oman and we invite senior speakers from the Sultanate and from Britain to address the delegation. Please see a selection of brochures below which cover the numerous topics we have explored from Energy and Technology to Government Communications and Behavioural Science.
The British Omani Society (BOS) hosted another successful NGG London Delegation in 2023 titled, “Artificial Intelligence - Impact on Oman's Transportation Industry”. Find out more here.
The topic of the 2024 NGG Delegation will be AI and Education. Further details will be posted here shortly.
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