This series theme is all about Sport & Adventure in Oman, so you’re going to be hearing from Oman’s world-renowned adventurers and sporting stars. Whether you’re an avid mountain climber, aspiring polar explore or weekend hiker, it will undoubtedly reawaken your post-pandemic wanderlust.
The Sport and Adventure Playground
The Omani who took on the Arctic and the Atlantic
Wadi Tiwi and Adventures Beyond
Oman: Cricket's New Home in Asia
Exploring the World in a Different Way
Wilderness Trekking in Oman
What Climbing Mountains Taught Me
Golf: From Sand Courses to World Class Grass Courses
The Rub al Khali
Conquering The World's Highest Moutain
Untravelled Paths
Spartan Races, Volcanoes and Weightlifting
My Fitness Journey
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